Yesterday I visited "De Zolder" in Amsterdam. Todd spoke about spirituality. It is good to notice that one can learn so much from the lived through knowledge of non-theologian speakers (No offense to our theologians). He told he visited a trance party and asked the people there why they were going all through the night on this party. The people told him that there was so much pressure in our society to live up to all its norms and expectations that people wanted to escape. That they were looking for a spiritual experience in the trance music and drug using to escape from reality. The essence was that, when thinking about a spiritual experience people do not think about christianity. When they think about christianity they think about personal conviction and living along certain norms and values, but not so much about a spiritual experience. But Todd pointed out having a living relationship with God through the Holy Spirit is a spiritual experience of magnitude. How can it be anything else, if our belief is that God's spirit is in our hart and life.
The difference is, I think, instead of a shortlived spiritual burst, a so called "high", it is a life transforming spiritual experience that touches the roots of your very existence. It can for some people at some time be a very expressive experience visible for others. But it is not, like in trance, a highly expressive experience for all the people all the time. It is this deeper inner drive that is the very basis of christian life. Allthough the expressive forms are there and are valuable and relevant, I believe that in our personal faith it is not about the t(r)ip but about the iceberg.
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