zondag 13 mei 2007

Great works

Mike Pilavachi spoke at Soul Survivor about calling and it is always a blessing to listen to him. He spoke about hearing God's voice and acting upon it. That often we think we are not good enough to do God's work and follow His calling. He talked about the bible and that God used a lot of people who thought they were not up to the job. He gave three examples:
  • Gideon thought he was not strong enough and that his army was nog big enough. He asked God for confirmation for a few times to be sure that it was God who spoke to him and to be sure about what was His will.
  • Mozes, when God called him to speak, said that he was a bad speaker.
  • Jeremiah, when God called him, said he was too young.

The essence of the story is that God called these three people despite or because of their weaknesses. Our modern world works through our strengths, but God often works through our weaknesses. This way we will be sure that it is His work being done and that we are working through His strength. It also tells us that we do not have to get an extra degree, to be older, to first have practiced more before we can do God's work. We just have to listen to his voice, get confirmation if we hesitate, and start acting on what we believe.

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